Behind the Backstreeters

It's not all glamour being a Backstreet Boy. Sometimes you have to fit in interviews wherever you happen to be - even the toilet! Yep, Smash Hits' most recent interview with the Boys took place in a loo in Birmingham, England, with the fellas squeezed between the sink and the cubicles! (We kid you not!) However, as always, the Boys were perfect gents! {Haha!)

As they talked, Smash Hits examined the fellas' body language. What did they really think of the questions? Which ones didn't they like answering? What did their clothes say about them? Were they calm or jittery, and how did they react to one another? And what innermost thoughts were they trying to hide?


What is he wearing?
A fluffy maroon tank top and a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing his hairy arms and a silver watch. Pale-blue baggy jeans and maroon work boots complete the casual-but-smart "look".

What does he look like?
When you talk to Brian, he looks you straight in the eye. His piercing-blue peepers sparkle when he's on the subject of basketball, and his voice sounds warmer too. He's freckly with a fluffy fringe.

What does he sound like?
Brian has a Southern American accent (i.e tawks lahk theeyus). He also imitates other accents during the interview - for instance, he slips into Irish when he mentions Dublin. He's polite and never swears. He can also imitate the noise of cars and guns extremely convincingly!

What is he really like?
The poor fella's voice trembles when he mentions his recent heart surgery. He dislikes answering questions about Aaron Carter - when asked he folds his arms and tiptoes around the subject. At all other times though, his unguarded body language demonstrates what a straightforward chap he is.

Source: Smash Hits Magazine

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