
from 'Backstreet Boys The Video'

"I would have to say I was around 3 or 4 when I just started like, singing along with things, and ah, taking it seriously probably 5 or 6"

"It was just a gift and I enjoyed it"

"Yo wot up, this is the B-Rokster Brian"

"No, my name is not Gary Barlow"

"These are five individual dreams of ours to be a success"

"Are there any aliens in the universe?"

"Wrap it up!"

from 'Backstreet Stories'

"You have to find somebody who complements your bad sides"

"Nick is really 13.. he's 6 foot tall!!"

"In our music, it stems from all of what we grew up listening to, which has now become the Backstreet Boys sound"

"We've got a chance to really mould ourselves into something very strong and something very tight together"

from 'Backstreet's Back Behind the Scenes' / 'All Access'

"Of course, Nick's imagination, he's gonna blow it all to pieces"

"I was bouncin' around from hair to makeup to.. facial hair"

"Ah, Boner, that's what we call him"

"He suggested the idea, you know, 'You should be the werewolf' and I was like 'why'?!?"

"I was actually honoured to be the werewolf"

"It's a lot harder than they think!"

"I gotta go spit right now"

"Yo look, this is my room man! They got all these heads!"

"That's phat to death, man"

"Can't hear me can ya? Ah ha!"

"This is called the Retro Cowboys-R-Us AJ Lookalike"

"He's the one that put me in this cornball lookin' outfit"

"What we had to do is walk out dere and put dis crazy stuff on, and pretend like we're from somewhere else"

"I feel like a corncob right now"

"The crazier we look, the better"

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The Brian Littrell Mutual Admiration Society
- Established 1998 -