B-Rok rocks your world if...


1. You are way into sports.
"Athletics have been an important part of my life ever since I was little," says Brian, who was hoping to go to college on a basketball scholarship before he joined the Backstreet Boys.

2. You're a natural.
"I'm attracted to girls with great personality, who are very open, trustworthy giving and willing to have fun."

3. You do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
"I'm not real religious, but my family brought me up with a religious background," says Brian who got his start as a singer in his church choir. "I try to stay somewhat focussed on that and do my own thing."

4. You love music!
Needless to say, music is an extremely important part of this Backstreet Boy's life. He particularly likes the vocal groups Boyz II Men, Take 6 and Jodeci.

5.You take your education seriously.
As we mentioned earlier, Brian was college bound before joining the group and he hasn't discounted the possibility of continuing his studies sometime in the future. He's really attracted to girls who have important thoughts on their minds.

Source: Unknown

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The Brian Littrell Mutual Admiration Society
- Established 1998 -