He Rocks

He's your number 3 Superbabe. He's gorgeous and he wants to date a fan! It's BSB Brian Littrell


So Brian you are a Superbabe, how does that feel?
It feels good especially when you consider we have been out of England for months. Plus, I have been away in hospital, so I thought everyone might have forgotten about me. (now that would never happen!)

Is there any rivalry between you and Nick when girls start screaming?
Never! Different girls like us for different reasons. We like different sorts of girls. I'm not saying Nick's wrong and I'm right, it's just the way it is.

Do you get on well with your fans?
Yes, all of them are great. And I tell you what, I get on very well with our fans who have health problems, because I can relate to them. I met one girl who had two forms of cancer, she was in a wheelchair so I explained to her I had been in hospital for a heart operation and, in some small way, I could understand how she was feeling.

Would you ever date a fan?
Sure! Sometimes the only way we can meet girls is after a show. It's really hard for us to go out to clubs or cinemas so we meet alot of fans and they're all really special

Have you ever dated a fan?
I can't tell you that! But I have been very close to some fans. I don't get the chance to talk to fans very often cos we're so busy but I wish we could cos some of them are very pretty.

Do you think of yourself as being good looking?
I think there were many reasons why the Backstreet Boys were chosen and one of those was looks. Having said that, I don't wake up and think "heyyy"

When will you be back in Britain?
As soon as we can, we are on a huge tour of America right now and then, who knows? We're hoping to release our new album next year so we should be back when that comes out. Can I just say to all our fans we miss you and we hope you're missing us! I don't want them to forget us!

Your tour is 40 dates long. Don't you get bored doing the same thing night after night?
Nooo. We do have favourite parts of the show. I love Backstreets Back cos that's such a special song for me and I look forward to doing it every night. There are parts which we find hard work, but apart from that, I love it. Let's face it, we perform to screaming girls every night don't we? It's not too tough.

Is being a pop star hard work?
It's really hard. We spend all our time traveling, or going to interviews or doing TV shows or working on our new album. When you say it like that it doesn't sound too hard but when you actually do it, it's tiring. There's no time for romance.

If you could make three wishes what would you wish for?
My three wishes would be for peace and love and for my family to stay fit, healthy and happy. I'd also wish that the Backstreet Boys were always happy. I also wish that the whole world would stay happy forever, but that's eight wishes!

What do you do if you feel down?
I talk to Nick. He understands me more than anyone. Or I phone my family cos they just know me so well. They can tell by the sound of my voice if I'm happy or sad. I play basketball or I play on my Play Station. Sometimes I sing to myself.

Do you still have friends outside of the BSB's?
Yes! I love it when I see them because we can hang out and talk about normal things like girls, movies and cars. We all lead different lives and cos they're at college they tell me all these great things they do. It makes my life look boring!

Why, what do they do
I can't tell you that! It's boy stuff.

Do you wish you were at college?
No way! After I had my operation I had some time away from the band and I had nothing to do. It was wild, man! I couldn't believe it because I am so used to getting up early and traveling all the time. I missed life with the band. I mean, I REALLY missed it. So, no, I wouldn't change a thing and I think, because I've had experience of being away from the band, I know how it feels.

Will the BSB's be splitting up soon?
Maybe one day, but not for years. We are all ambitious people and our ambitions do lie down different avenues, so one day we might decide to do different things. But at the moment, we all really love what we do. We love Backstreet Boys.

Source: Big Magazine

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The Brian Littrell Mutual Admiration Society
- Established 1998 -